
marcos elias portfolio project screenshot

My Portfolio

Remade my portfolio with Next.js (previously built with React) so that it is easier to maintain and update.

mern bookstore project screenshot

MERN Bookstore

MERN stack project with CRUD operations, validation, TypeScript, and TanStack Query

MongoDBExpress.jsReactNode.jsTypeScriptGitREST API'sAPI DevelopmentTanStack QueryReact-Hook-FormZodJoiTailwindMongooseVercelRender
game hub project screenshot

Game Hub

Game discovery project where you can filter and search for games. Uses Custom and Generic hooks

ReactTypeScriptChakra UIREST API'sAxiosGitVercel
expense tracker project screenshot

Expense Tracker

Uses React Hook Form and Zod for Validation. You can add, sort, and delete expenses

Restaurant project screenshot

Restaurant Project

Multipage site showcasing my CSS skills. Improved performance with smaller images and semantic HTML. Made the site responsive, added persistent Dark Mode

CSSJavaScriptHTMLGitGitHub Pages
Rock Paper Scissors project screenshot

JS Rock Paper Scissors

Used unique border radius styling, added a scoreboard, and ensured mobile/tablet compatibility. JavaScript was fun and challenging; helper functions improved readability.

JavaScriptCSSGitGitHub Pages
Kreativstorm group project screenshot

Kreativstorm Group Project

Group project in Kreativstorm's Front End training with international students. Enjoyed collaborating across cultures. Responsible for creating the 'Matches' page.

Weather API project screenshot

Weather API Project

First API project. It was challenging trying to understand the syntax of Async Javascript. Experimented with glassmorphism and CSS tricks. Will continue practicing API skills.

HTMLCSSJavaScriptREST API'sGitGitHub Pages